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Congratulations from the district leadership on Police Day

04/03/2024 08:03
 Dear employees and veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the Ivatsevichi region! Please accept sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - Police Day!

The profession to which you have dedicated your life is noble and honorable. By personifying justice, reliability and security, you make a significant contribution to maintaining stability in society, strengthening the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Belarus.

Work in the internal affairs bodies requires strength of character, willpower, mutual assistance, a responsible attitude to business, the ability to make the right decisions in a difficult situation, and strict adherence to the letter of the law. We are confident that the personnel of the internal affairs bodies will continue to effectively respond to all challenges and threats and serve the Fatherland with honor and dignity.

We address special words of gratitude to veterans of internal affairs bodies. We are confident that the long-term traditions you have established and the accumulated experience will continue to serve as an incentive for the conscientious and effective work of the current law enforcement officers.

Dear employees of internal affairs bodies, we wish you new achievements, good health, prosperity, happiness and good luck. Continued success in difficult and important work, enthusiasm and optimism. May there always be goodwill and mutual assistance in your teams, and may there always be peace and harmony, prosperity and comfort in your families.

District executive committee.

Presidium of the District Council of Deputies.